

Cadila Healthcare Stock Analysis

Cadila Healthcare Stock Analysis

Price: Rs. 253.75 Date: March 30th 2020 Cadila Healthcare Limited (“Cadila” or the “Company”) is a pharmaceutical company that discovers, develops, and manufactures a broad range of healthcare products including human formulations, veterinary formulations and drugs,...

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Voltas Stock Analysis

Date: 3 April 2020 Price: Rs. 472 Voltas Limited is the one of the India’s largest air conditioning company. The Company is also one of the most reputed engineering solution providers specializing in project management. The Company also provides its expertise across...

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Karda Construction Stock Analysis

Karda Construction Limited (“Karda” or the “Company”) is a well-established Nashik based group having its presence in the construction industry for more than two decades. The Company is focused on developing affordable housing in the residential segment and from year...

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Cadila Healthcare Stock Analysis

Cadila Healthcare Stock Analysis

Price: Rs. 253.75 Date: March 30th 2020 Cadila Healthcare Limited (“Cadila” or the “Company”) is a pharmaceutical company that discovers, develops, and manufactures a broad range of healthcare products including human formulations, veterinary formulations and drugs,...

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Voltas Stock Analysis

Date: 3 April 2020 Price: Rs. 472 Voltas Limited is the one of the India’s largest air conditioning company. The Company is also one of the most reputed engineering solution providers specializing in project management. The Company also provides its expertise across...

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Karda Construction Stock Analysis

Karda Construction Limited (“Karda” or the “Company”) is a well-established Nashik based group having its presence in the construction industry for more than two decades. The Company is focused on developing affordable housing in the residential segment and from year...

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