

Manorama Industries Stock Analysis

Manorama Industries Stock Analysis

UPDATE: STOCK SPLIT 1:5 - 8 Marh 2024 If you have eaten a Ferrero Rocher chocolate or used the Mango Body Butter from The Body Shop, chances are you have consumed butter made at a factory in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, owned by Manorama Industries. ABOUT THE COMPANY...

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Manorama Industries Stock Analysis

Manorama Industries Stock Analysis

UPDATE: STOCK SPLIT 1:5 - 8 Marh 2024 If you have eaten a Ferrero Rocher chocolate or used the Mango Body Butter from The Body Shop, chances are you have consumed butter made at a factory in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, owned by Manorama Industries. ABOUT THE COMPANY...

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