by Rajat Sharma | Oct 5, 2013 | equity, finance, investment, stocks |
The Successful Stock Investor Imagine a world where everyone was equally intelligent, with identical psychological traits and access to the same information. What purpose would the stock markets serve then? I’ll answer that – None. The business of stock...
by Rajat Sharma | Oct 4, 2013 | Consulting, debt, finance |
Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Meaning Corporate Debt Restructuring (“CDR”) mechanism is a voluntary non statutory mechanism under which financial institutions and banks come together to restructure the debt of companies facing financial difficulties due to...
by Rajat Sharma | Oct 1, 2013 | finance, investment |
In the United States more than 50% of their population invests in the stock markets (directly or via ownership of funds). In India, this figure is less than 2.5%. Ironically, India remains the fastest growing market for financial newspapers in the world. Does that...