Lately, I have been getting some questions on investing in IPOs. This morning, it just occurred to me that despite working on IPOs and drafting offer documents for 5 years of my life, I have not written a single post about it. Just goes to show how much you ignore...
Updated on 27 December 2016 On 1 December 2016, Sunil Hitech issued 10:1 stock split and 1:1 bonus issue shares. For the purpose of this article, consider Sunil Hitech price as 20 times of its current market price. If you have been reading my posts or of any other...
REITs – Meaning Real estate as an investment option is mostly unaffordable for most Indian retail investors. The Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) announced in the Union Budget 2014–15 enable investors to collectively invest in commercial properties and earn a...
Private Companies: As the name suggests, companies which are owned by a small, private group of people or entities – company’s founders, management or a group of private investors. Transfer of shareholding is restricted unless agreed to by all the shareholders. What...
Economists and analysts across the board believe that the Indian economy has entered a 5 – 10 year bull market phase. What if at all should hold you back from investing in India. The risks mentioned below are generic in nature and apply equally to both, direct...
What is an Emerging Market? While there is no universally accepted definition for the term ‘emerging market or an emerging economy’, many economists and agencies have defined the term(s) based on certain characteristics which are common to most classifications. By any...