Is it actually possible to make profitable trades by taking advantage of seasonal patterns in individual stocks? The answer is YES, NO, May be While this may be one of the more amusing research works we have done in a while, the results do tell a story. DISCLAIMER: I...
INFOSYS ANNOUNCED 1:1 BONUS ON 4 SEPTEMBER 2018 (POST THE DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THIS ARTICLE). Summary INFY stock is available at its lowest valuations in over 20 years. Strengthening USD and concerns around H1-B visa regime has pulled down the stock. Gartner and...
While many may have missed this one but over the past 36 months, textile stocks in India have generated tremendous returns despite inconsistency in their financial performance and stretched balance sheets. The sector has gained investor’s attention after the...
What is Dematerialization? Dematerialization is the process of converting physical share certificates, mutual fund, bonds or any other financial instrument into electronic form. An Investor who needs to dematerialize his/her shares needs to open a demat account with...
Gravita India Limited (“Gravita India” or the “Company”) is a leading global secondary metal producing company. The Company provides diversified range of product for variety of application in over 50 countries, globally. The Company’s product caters to the auto,...
About D-Mart IPO Issue – D-Mart IPO will open on 8 March and close on 10 March. The upcoming IPO is one of the most anticipated offers this year, primarily because the Company is promoted by Radhakishan Damani. D-Mart IPO will raise Rs. 1,870 Cr. by issuing new...