United Spirits CMP – 1046.45 An Overview of United Spirits’ Financial Performance United Spirits is a great example of how a company can make more money even when its sales grow slowly. United Spirits’ revenue has only increased by a CAGR of 3.07%....
Private Companies: As the name suggests, companies which are owned by a small, private group of people or entities – company’s founders, management or a group of private investors. Transfer of shareholding is restricted unless agreed to by all the shareholders. What...
What exactly should you be concerned about before diving into a business, either to buy or to operate as your own? What do you have to do to run a fund house? A brokerage firm? A small scale manufacturing unit? Or, a service oriented business? Equally important is to...
“Credit rating agency Moody’s has assigned a ‘Baa3’ rating to India, with a stable outlook”. You must have read/heard this news. Do these AAAs, Baa3s, Cas, CCCs make any sense to you? Just like a school report card, these grades serve as a marking system /score card...
Outlook and Key stats Indian automobile industry is a key contributor to India’s GDP. At US $ 80 billion, the automobile industry accounts for ~7% of India’s GDP *. While the Indian economy has grown at ~8% p.a. in the last 5 years (2009-2013), the Indian automobile...