How do E-commerce Companies Make Money?

How do E-commerce Companies Make Money?

E-commerce companies around the world are running in losses; By any measure, E-commerce industry commands the most extreme valuations; Having received million in private equity funding over the years, big E-commerce companies in India are planning their IPOs; Most big...

Unitech Limited – Stock Analysis

Unitech shares crashed 35.27 % on June 03, 2015. Speculations that lenders were planning to sell off pledged shares of the promoters led to this massive decline in share price. While 90.32 % of promoter’s equity is pledged (as on 31 March, 2015), the promoters on have...

Tech Mahindra Limited – Stock Analysis

Tech Mahindra Limited (“TechM” or the “Company”) operates mainly in two sectors – Telecom business and Enterprise Solutions business. Telecom business provides: (1) consulting-led integrated portfolio services to telecom equipment manufacturers and telecom service...